Patient Guide 3 on 6 Dental Implants Mexico

The “3 on 6” Dental Procedure requires 2 trips to Mexico.

3 on 6 Topics

  • 3 on 6 Dental Implants Cost in Mexico
  • 3 on 6 Dental Implants Process
  • Different Materials for 3 on 6 Bridges
  • Dental Veneers Placement

The “3 on 6” Dental Implants System creates permanent teeth using 3 Dental Bridges supported by two dental implants on each.

The name of this system comes to the number of implants placed per jaw; the patient receives 3 bridges over 6 implants to restore the full arch.

Six implants are placed in the lower or upper jawbone to keep the anchor prosthetic teeth in his place.

Their Main Advantage of 3 on 6 Dental Implants over All on 4 for smile restoration is that there is no need for an acrylic gumline.  It is possible that your dental insurance cover 3 on 6 implants.


3 on 6 Implants Cost in Mexico


Many Dental Offices in Mexico can cover your dental necessities, but just some of them have this kind of treatment on their list. Below we recommend you Top Dental Clinics.

Prices are only informative

3 on 6 Dental Implants Mexico - Detailed Cost

In Mexico, you can Save 83% for the same treatment


Surgical Phase

Implant Placement (6 Dental Implants)
USD 4,250 to 5,400 average cost

*Extractions and Bone Graft not included*

Restorative Phase

3 Zirconia or Porcelain Bridges
USD 4,250 to 5,400

Total Cost 3 on 6 dental Implants

USD 8,500 to 10,800

Average Cost per Jaw (Set of teeth)

3 on 6 Dental Implants Process

In most cases, a Full Mouth Restoration such as the “3 on 6” Implants procedure requires two trips to Mexico. In your first visit to Mexico, it is necessary to schedule an initial consultation to check the state of your jaw, gums and if it is the case, of your remaining teeth. Dentists in Mexico use to manage this first visit as a free consultation.

First Trip to Mexico

1. Extraction + Bone Grafting: This is usually applied when the dentist proceeds to realize a dental extraction, meaning that the teeth were infected, which is one of the most common causes.

Bone grafting helps to have a healthy bone in the jaw to place the implants. Also, bone grafting restores bone loss. In this case, the best would be left past some months of healing and come back for the implantation.


2. Extraction + Bone Grafting + Implant: If the patient previously had the extractions or, don’t present infections after extractions, you could receive “3 on 6” dental implants on the same day.


The dental implants must be lean in the place or places of the jaw with the best bone density.

The dentist can use resources such as surgical guides to accurately place implants.

During the dental implant procedure, the specialist will place local anesthesia to numb the gums.

In both cases, you will receive a temporary removable denture made of high-impact acrylic.

Second Trip to Mexico

Final Restoration: The Dentist will take a mold of your implants. Then he will create the Arch Restoration. Finally, you and the Dentists will discuss final adjustments.

Most visited destinations for dental treatments in Mexico

It is important to find a comfortable location that has all the equipment and technologies available such as 3D scans, digital dentistry, Cad / Cam laboratory to perform your dental care correctly and in a short period of time. If you are looking for a comfortable clinic and around the beautiful beach, we recommend you these places.


Get in touch to Get a Quote


    Top Dental Clinics in Mexico

    Reasons to use 3 on 6 Implants

    The “3 on 6” Dental Implants is a modern treatment that offers endless benefits for patients that search for full mouth reconstruction. Of course, in some cases, it doesn’t work for some patients.

    To be a candidate for this procedure, the patient mustn’t suffer from a considerable loss of bone density in the jaw. Here are a couple of benefits to encourage you to ask your doctor about this treatment.

    Remember that to keep the quality of your implants, your bridges need to be removed for cleanings. Visit your dentist periodically (once or twice a year) for deep cleaning.

    • The “3 on 6” Implants are an excellent alternative to “all on 4” and “all on 6”. Better grip and appearance.
    • A great alternative to long-term tooth replacement.
    • With the “3 on 6” Dental Implants, you will avoid the pain and discomfort that dentures causes.
    • 3 on 6 Implants are very stable and easy to clean (regular brushing and flossing)

    Different Materials for 3 on 6 Bridges

    Porcelain Bridge

    Dental porcelain is a very flexible material. A porcelain bridge has several similar qualities to natural teeth, such as Strength, Resistance to food acid, Allowing chewing without fractures, natural appearance (translucent and color).

    Porcelain Bridge
    Zirconia Bridges average price Mexico

    Zirconia Bridge

    Among the dental ceramics available, Zirconia is the material with the highest flexural and tensile strength. This material is composed of a base of zirconia sand, partially stabilized with yttrium and made into Zirconia blanks through a mechanical process.

    Get in touch if you need more information about the dental procedure for 3 on 6.

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