
Treviño Implant Center

At Dental Implant Center – Enrique Trevino Bazan We offer all the dental services, executed by experienced professionals, with an unbeatable show more


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 14:00


Juarez, av. Americas #452 nte. 32300 Ciudad Juárez, México

Claim this Dentist

At Dental Implant Center – Enrique Trevino Bazan We offer all the dental services, executed by experienced professionals, with an unbeatable quality and with current technology. All our procedures are performed in facilities, comfortable and spacious. As you deserve it !! we have a team you can really trust!

Treviño Implant Center Dentists


Dr. Enrique Treviño D.M.D.

Dentist Surgeon

Graduated from University Autonoma de Cd. Juarez U.A.C.J. on 1981.
Member of the ADM since 1984, (Mexican Dental Association).
Member of the ADA sense 1985, (American Dental Association).
Member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists since 1985.
Member of United States _ Mexico Border public Health Association since 1987.
Fellow of The International Congress of Oral Implantologists (I.C.O.I.)
on August 1989.
Certificate of post – graduate program (Implantology) on the N.Y.U. on September 1989.
The Texas Academy of Laser Dentistry, Founding Charter Member, on August 1993.
Member of ALD sense 1994, (Academy of Laser Dentistry).
Instructor Certificate of the Texas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, Air Abrasive on April 1996.
Fellow member of International College of Dentist, October 1999.
Certificate of the Academy of Laser Dentistry Category E (Educator), on February 1999.
Certificate of the Academy of Laser Dentistry Category III (Mastership), February 1999.


Dr. Carlos Fernando Peraldi Ríos

Dental Surgeon

Universidad autónoma de Nuevo León .Monterrey, Nuevo León

Roth Williams Center
For functional oclusión center
Cedula prof. 846312

1978-1982 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Titulo de Cirujano Dentista
1983-1985 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Titulo de Especialista en Ortodoncia
2000-2001 Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Diplomado en Ortopedia Dentofacial
2001-2003 Universidad Autónoma de México
Diplomado de Roth Williams International, Center for Functional Occlusion.
2003-2005 Orognatic Bioesthetic Institute, (OBI) Dr. Bob Lee
Diplomado nivel III, miembro facultativo OBI México 2004
2006-2008 Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Diplomado en Cirugía Ortognática, 240 horas.

Fundador y Expresidente del Colegio de Ortodoncistas del Estado de Chihuahua 1987- actual
Fundador y Director adjunto de OrtoBioestética México 2009-actual.

Diplomado en Ortodoncia Lingual ,200 horas. Octubre 2013-2014
Practica establecida en Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo. Y Director de UniMeD Dental Group. 2011 a la fecha
Fundador y vicepresidente de la Asociación de Ortodoncia y Ortopedia de Quintana Roo (2014-2016)
Diplomado en Endodoncia. Abril 2016, 168 horas.

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