
Clínica Dental SMA

After more than thirty years of professional activity in San Miguel de Allende and as head of Clínica Dental San Miguel de Allende, I am very proud show more


09:00 - 14:00

16:00 - 20:00


00:00 - 00:00

415 152 2065

San Miguel de Allende, San Miguel de Allende, Salida a Celaya 22, Allende, 37760 San Miguel de Allende, Gto.

Claim this Dentist

After more than thirty years of professional activity in San Miguel de Allende and as head of Clínica Dental San Miguel de Allende, I am very proud of the team we have formed, and thus be able to offer the best dental care in the city. Clínica Dental SMA was inaugurated in 2003.

Clínica Dental SMA Dentists


Dr. María Guadalupe Tejeda, Oral Rehabilitation

  • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (U.N.A.M.) (México).
  • Fixed Prosthodontics Diploma course Universidad de la Salle Bajío (México).
  • Fixed Prosthodontics and aesthetics Diploma course Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (U.N.A.M) (México).


Dr. Héctor Sáenz de Viteri Tejada, DDS

  • Universidad de la Salle Bajío (México).
  • Fixed Prosthodontics Diploma course Universidad de la Salle Bajío (México).


Dr. Javier Sáenz de Viteri Tejeda, DDS

  • Universidad de la Salle Bajío (México).


Dr. José Sayavedra Jaimes, DDS

  • Universidad Latinoamericano ULA (México).
  • Roth Williams Center for Functional Occlusion.


Dra. Soraya Coral Rodríguez Arellano, Pediatric Dentist Specialist

  • Universidad de la Salle Bajío (México).


Dr. Juan Carlos Lugo Martínez, Periodontics and implant Specialist

  • Universidad Intercontinental (México).


Dra. Valeria Mora Gutierrez, DDS

  • Universidad Intercontinental (México).

Clínica Dental SMA - Contact Information

Clínica Dental San Miguel de Allende Address

Clínica San Miguel
Salida a Celaya # 22, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México. C.P. 37760

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